Friday, October 13, 2006
It's Been Almost Two Weeks
Although it has been almost two weeks since my last post on this prayer blog, that doesn't mean I've stopped praying. We are in our house and we love it.

I have prayed many prayers of thanks over the past week.

I'm thankful that:

we're no longer living in a hotel room waiting for our house
I can cook in my kitchen so we don't have to eat fast food
we love our house
the children are adjusting well
even through all the transition, the baby still sleeps through the night

there are many more but these are the main prayers of thankfulness this week.

Thank You Lord!


Blogger Sharon Bardwell said...

I too have a prayer blog. It's simply a list but I love having other people join me in praying. Visit and for my daily list of 3 thinks I'm thankful for visit Then if you want to :-) visit my encouragement blog at

Keep on praying and keep on blogging. It's good!

Blogger Susan Godfrey said...

He who thanks but with the lips
Thanks but in part;
The full, the true Thanksgiving
Comes from the heart.
~J.A. Shedd

Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

Hugs & Blessings,
Susan Godfrey

Hey - i loved your blog and honesty!!! You are so real and that is wonderful and beautiful and i might add rare!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you!!

I used to live in upstate New York - Massena!! Anywhere near you?

Leigh Gray

Blogger Grafted Branch said...

Nevermind the new house or the thankful've a baby who slept on schedule for all that?! You are a blessed woman! :)

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